ACRO Single Sequence FPS Analysis for Judge 3:  Laszlo Liszkay - RSA

Ranking Index = 17,72

21st FAI EAC 2018, Jindrichuv Hradec, 1.9. - 8.9.2018
Judges nation High value
Panel / neutral Low value
Unlimited - Power, 4-minute Freestyle Sequence
Raw and normalised / FPS revised marks and scores
FP Rank before penalties Fig-1 Fig-2 Fig-3 Fig-4 Fig-5 Fig-6 Fig-7 Fig-8 Fig-9 Fig-10 No RI / FP J-rank Diff
1 Martin Šonka - CZE 8,5 8,0 7,5 8,5 8,0 7,5 7,0 7,5 7,5 8,5 0 3374,8 2 -1
  Extra300SR OK-SON 9,08 8,50 8,03 9,41 8,62 8,07 7,36 8,10 8,14 9,00   2683,5    
2 Alexandre Orlowski - FRA 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,5 6,5 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,5 7,0 0 3002,5 6 -4
  Extra 300SC F-TGCJ 7,33 7,33 7,34 8,03 6,95 7,51 7,36 7,36 8,14 7,72   3383,1    
3 Louis Vanel - FRA 8,0 7,5 7,5 7,0 6,0 8,0 7,5 7,0 7,5 7,5 0 3142,4 4 -1
  Extra 330SC F-HMKF 8,50 7,91 8,03 7,34 6,39 8,62 8,10 7,36 8,14 8,14   3135,9    
4 Mikael Brageot - FRA 8,5 8,5 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,5 8,0 8,0 7,0 8,0 0 3497,9 1 +3
  Extra 330SC F-HMKF 9,08 9,08 8,72 8,72 8,62 9,18 8,83 8,83 7,72 8,57   3144,4    
5 Eddie Goggins - IRL 7,0 7,0 7,0 6,5 6,5 7,0 7,5 7,5 7,0 6,5 0 2971,8 7 -2
  CAP 232 G-IIAI 7,33 7,33 7,34 6,65 6,95 7,51 8,10 8,10 7,72 7,29   3509,2    
6 Neville Ferreira - RSA 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 0 Hi 3221,5 3 +3
  Genpro HA-XEG 7,91 7,91 8,03 8,03 8,07 8,07 8,10 8,10 8,14 8,14   2968,9    
7 Florian Berger - GER 7,0 8,0 7,0 7,0 6,5 7,0 7,0 7,5 6,5 7,0 0 3016,9 5 +2
  Extra 330SC D-EVIX 7,33 8,50 7,34 7,34 6,95 7,51 7,36 8,10 7,29 7,72   2874,7    
8 Pierre Marmy - SUI 6,5 6,0 6,0 5,5 6,0 6,5 6,0 6,5 5,5 6,0 0 2528,7 9 -1
  Sukhoi26 HB-MSO 6,75 6,16 5,96 5,80 6,39 6,95 5,89 6,62 6,43 6,86   3015,3    
9 Hanspeter Rohner - SUI 6,5 6,5 7,0 7,5 6,5 7,0 6,5 6,0 5,5 4,0 0 2694,8 8 +1
  Extra 330SC HB-MTR 6,75 6,75 7,34 8,03 6,95 7,51 6,62 5,89 6,43 5,14   2756,2    
    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1   18
FPS revised marks Distribution of raw marks
  Mark to CHZ -     25 max None HZ PZ AV 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0
  PZ to CHZ -    
  AV to CHZ -    
  AV to Mark -    
  PZ to Mark -    
  HZ to Mark -    
  Lo to Mark -    
  Hi to Mark -    

  The 60% rule


This judge's raw marks
Whole panel after FPS
Review of anomalies
Mark anomalies (none)  
Score anomalies    Judge 1  Judge 2  Judge 3  Judge 4  Judge 5  Judge 6  Judge 7
Neville Ferreira - RSA   2818,2 Lo 2658,2 Hi 3221,5 3019,9 2691,2 2888,6 2835,2
Genpro HA-XEG   2870,2 2874,7
Review of Judge style and RI items
Judging style: Judge Panel 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 Judges average mark = 7,13, mean spread of marks (2xSD) = 1,55 Panel average mark = 7,63, mean spread of marks (2xSD) = 1,80
All pilots were not ranked correctly Aeroplane Judge
RI value
this pilot
of total
  RI elements ranked
  by decreasing size
Neville Ferreira - RSA Genpro 3219,8 Hi 2862,6 + 357,2 3 6 + 3 5,35 30,2%
Alexandre Orlowski - FRA Extra 300SC 3014,7 - 3315,8 - 301,2 6 2 - 4 5,20 29,3%
Mikael Brageot - FRA Extra 330SC 3478,8 - 3312,3 + 166,4 1 4 + 3 2,16 12,2%
Florian Berger - GER Extra 330SC 3028,2 - 2840,8 + 187,4 5 7 + 2 1,89 10,6%
Pierre Marmy - SUI Sukhoi26 2570,8 - 2804,9 - 234,1 9 8 - 1 1,19 6,7%
Louis Vanel - FRA Extra 330SC 3145,7 - 3313,2 - 167,5 4 3 - 1 0,72 4,1%
Eddie Goggins - IRL CAP 232 2986,0 - 2920,3 + 65,7 7 5 - 2 0,64 3,6%
Martin Šonka - CZE Extra300SR 3363,4 - 3465,1 - 101,7 2 1 - 1 0,42 2,4%
Hanspeter Rohner - SUI Extra 330SC 2726,4 - 2698,7 + 27,7 8 9 + 1 0,15 0,8%
Total RI contribution per nation

max nation bias = 5,35

min = -3,76

o/all average = 0,17


= 14,02

min = -7,71  
Most favoured Least favoured Average 3 x FRA 2 x SUI 1 x IRL 1 x CZE 1 x GER 1 x RSA

Ranking Index totals per nation
using the +/- rank differences to show
national bias from the most to the
least favoured teams of Pilots

The number of Pilots in each nation
is shown with the nationality

Calculations by: FairPlay v2 (non-scoring CJ + CHZ Summary)
Aerobatic Contest Results Organiser, ACRO Version 4.3 Build: 11/09/18